We are working on exciting new partnerships that match cyber compliance to cyber security! Stay tuned and don’t forget to also bookmark our new cyber compliance partner, Omnistruct, Inc. We are also pivoting our partnerships to emphasize our utility focus. Please read our FAQ on our partnership changes below:
When Will Partnerships Change?
Starting January 1st, you will begin receiving communications about our changing line card. Please be sure to add “@sactech.com” to your safe sender list.
What About Juniper and our other key partnerships?
Yes, our partnership with Juniper is alive and well and we have a goal to focus on Juniper’s cloud security solutions in all distribution channels. Most partnerships are likely to change as we shift them to cloud-oriented service providers. Cyber compliance oriented partnerships will remain depending on the nature of the relationship and distribution dynamics with each partner.
Will the team and our point of contacts be the same?
Mostly yes! The sales contacts you have grown to know and love will still be available for guidance. Although, we will have some new representatives that will handle traditional resell fulfillment needs and renewals. We will also have new distribution relationships to boot.
What do current Sactech clients need to know?
Keep us as your vendor of record as we will still be providing services, assessments, and key solutions for you to purchase directly from our unique delivery system (shhhh! It’s still under development).
Will our contract change?
No, our Master Sales & Service Agreement will remain intact as will all MNDAs or contracts already signed between our organization and your Company.
Are you still selling to public sector?
Yes, we are still active with public sector sales under our small business certification although we are partnering with other resellers to help fulfill any unique leveraged procurement needs for the State of California solutions with expired CMAS agreements.
Do I need to do anything?
No. However, be sure to keep “@sactech.com” on your safe sender list.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!